2024-2025 PSR & Sacramental Preparation
The PSR Season (June, 2024 - April, 2025) and Sacramental Preparations
PLEASE READ: As a parish community we are committed to assist parents in their role and responsibility as the primary educators of their child's Catholic faith. We are pleased to provide a PSR program (Parish School of Religion) for children in public school grades 1 - 8. The program consists of one full PSR week in June, and, participation in 3 of eight monthly presentations for PSR families. Registered children must complete both segments (PSR Week and 3 Family Presentations) in order to fulfill the required religious education and formation for the child's PSR year.
PSR Week in June - was an extraordinary spiritual success for nearly 120 children.
Now - here are 4 Family Presentations for this Fall with more to come in 2025:
Monday, September 16 at 6:30pm - The Holy Eucharist
Deacon Bill will give a talk on the Eucharist, show a brief DVD explanation, and lead the participants in a time of prayer, adoration and benediction.
Monday, October 7 at 6:30pm - St. Mary and the Saints
Participants will hear about the importance of the models of our faith life. Being the Feast of the Holy Rosary that day, families will be led outdoors to pray the rosary around the pond.
Sunday, November 10 and/or Monday, November 11 at 6:30pm - Parish Mission
Jon Leonetti, our Mission Speaker, will be with us Sunday the 10th and Monday the 11th. We encourage parishioners to attend both evenings. However, either evening fulfills the requirement for PSR families. Read about Jon at his website: Jon Leonetti, Mission Speaker at St. Martin, Valley City
December, 2024 - Service Month
PSR Families will be invited to participate in a charitable service project to benefit fellow parishioners and/or our neighbors.
CLICK HERE for the 2024-2025 PSR CALENDAR