The Safety and Protection of God's Children

If you are ever concerned about the safety and protection of a child, you should always call local authorities FIRST and the church second.

CLICK HERE:  Letter to the Faithful regarding Protecting Our Children

CLICK HERE:  Listing of Accused Clergy of the Cleveland Diocese (2019)


Praesidium "Called to Protect for Children" Program - March 11, 2019 for PSR Parents and Students in Grades 1-8.

Listed below are the age appropriate topics and materials that individual grades will cover in their class:

1st - Learn about feelings and rules and when someone breaks the rules.

2nd - Learn what intuition is, how to say 'no' when intuitions tells them to, trusted adults.

3rd - Learn about different types of secrets, learn how to tell a trusted adult when someone asked you to keep a bad secret

4th - Learn to make a healthy friendship with peers, learn to identify a safe adult.

5th - Learn what and should be kept private and what should be shared with a safe adult.

6th-8th - Define and Identify the 3 types of boundaries; most adults in their life care about them and want the best for them.


1) To join your child in their class during the presentation; 2) To opt out of this session for your child; or 3) To view a DVD video for parents at the church.

Emergency Hotlines and Links

Medina County Sheriff's Department- (330)725-0028 or (330)725-6631

Medina Mental Health Crisis Center- (330)725-9195 or click HERE for detailed info

National Sexual Assault Hotline- 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

Text Crisis Line- Text 4hope to 741741

Tweet the Lifeline (Twitter)- @800273TALK

Diocese of Cleveland Contacts and Links

To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers, or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan Response Service at: (216) 334-2999 or Response_services@Dioceseofcleveland.Org.

To read the October, 2018 Letter to the Faithful from Bishop Nelson Perez, click HERE

To read common Questions and Answers on the Diocesan Response to clergy sexual abuse, click HERE

For more information on the Diocese of Cleveland's policies and procedures regarding the safety of our children, click HERE.