Step/Single Parenting
This series presents facts concerning remarriages and that couples need to hear significant key principles of successful step family living. Many key principles differ greatly from what they already believe about family life. Statistics show how 1/3 of all weddings will give birth to a step family. 2/3 of those couples will get divorced and 1/3 are getting divorced again. This course will help parents who remarry with kids. Participating in this workshop will work to prevent re-divorce for the step family. The Smart Step Family has programs to encourage the blended family and help with future marriages the second time. Children are welcome to participate with certain programs. Programs are available on an as need basis by anyone.
Single parents come into the position of parenting alone a number of ways: divorce, separation, death, adoption, legal guardianship or a father or mother who chooses to rear a child on their own. People who have been a single parent have an intimate understanding of the needs of other single parents; they will have a special sensitivity as they interact with group members. 'Single & Parenting' is designed to be part seminar and part group discussion.
For classes and program times, please contact our Family Life Minister, Colene Conley, at our parish office 330-483-3808 or via her email at Contacct Us