The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ. His presence in the Eucharist is the spiritual food for our Christian journey with and in Christ. Catholics receive Holy Communion by participating in the celebration of Mass.
Upon request Holy Communion can be brought to elderly and serious ill parishioners who are home bound and unable to attend Mass due to their serious condition.
Holy Communion Instructions for children begins at or after age seven. The Cleveland Catholic Diocese requires that a child attend Levels 1 and 2 of Religous Education for adequate preparation and understnding of the Sacrament. Preparation for and taking part in the Sacrament of Confession is included in Level 2.
Holy Communion Instructions for adults is given to those preparing for Baptism and/or Confirmation, often referred to as R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).