Offertory Envelopes
Thank you for your support to your parish community. Your monetary Mass Offering provides for parish ministries and maintains the facilities.
We encourage you to sign up for our Online Giving Program called "WeShare". Contact or stop by the parish office for information on the programand and on how to enroll. Or, if you prefer, we can arrange with your bank your direct deposit contributions.
If you prefer church envelopes and use them regularly, we order a box of envelopes annually for these households. They are available in December. Due to their expense, ordered boxes that are not used regularly for nearly two years are discontinued.
If you prefer using a personal check, please be sure the name, address, and possible phone number are current.
Although a tithe of 5% of one's annual income is suggested, every household has differing needs. What is placed in the envelope each Sunday is between the donor and God. That the envelope is in the collection indicates you worship God regularly with our parish community.
Thank you for your sacrificial offering.